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Conjugación completa di

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Italian versionIt

English versionEn
Indice delle schede di Italiano
Palabras encontradas:
cuchichear = whisper ... INFINITIVO Presente 1 pers. sing.
(Detalles abajo)
Conjugación de: , cuchicheé, cuchicheado
intransitivo - attiva
Yo cuchicheo
Tu cuchicheas
El/Ella/Eso cuchichea
Nosotros cuchicheamos
Vosotros cuchicheáis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos cuchichean
I whisper
You whisper
He/She/It whispers
We whisper
You whisper
They whisper
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo cuchicheaba
Tu cuchicheabas
El/Ella/Eso cuchicheaba
Nosotros cuchicheabamos
Vosotros cuchicheabais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos cuchicheaban
I was whispering
You were whispering
He/She/It was whispering
We were whispering
You were whispering
They were whispering
Pretérito perfecto
Yo cuchicheé
Tu cuchicheaste
El/Ella/Eso cuchicheó
Nosotros cuchicheamos
Vosotros cuchicheasteis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos cuchichearon
I whispered
You whispered
He/She/It whispered
We whispered
You whispered
They whispered
Pretérito perfecto
Yo he cuchicheado
Tu has cuchicheado
El/Ella/Eso ha cuchicheado
Nosotros hemos cuchicheado
Vosotros habéis cuchicheado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos han cuchicheado
I have whispered
You have whispered
He/She/It has whispered
We have whispered
You have whispered
They have whispered
Pretérito plusquamperfecto
Yo había cuchicheado
Tu habías cuchicheado
El/Ella/Eso había cuchicheado
Nosotros habíamos cuchicheado
Vosotros habíais cuchicheado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habían cuchicheado
I had whispered
You had whispered
He/She/It had whispered
We had whispered
You had whispered
They had whispered
Pretérito anterior
Yo hube cuchicheado
Tu hubiste cuchicheado
El/Ella/Eso hubo cuchicheado
Nosotros hubimos cuchicheado
Vosotros hubisteis cuchicheado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron cuchicheado
I had whispered
You had whispered
He/She/It had whispered
We had whispered
You had whispered
They had whispered
Futuro imperfecto
Yo cuchichearé
Tu cuchichearas
El/Ella/Eso cuchicheará
Nosotros cuchichearemos
Vosotros cuchicheareis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos cuchichearán
I will whisper
You will whisper
He/She/It will whisper
We will whisper
You will whisper
They will whisper
Futuro anterior
Yo habré cuchicheado
Tu habrás cuchicheado
El/Ella/Eso habrá cuchicheado
Nosotros habremos cuchicheado
Vosotros habréis cuchicheado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrán cuchicheado
I will have whispered
You will have whispered
He/She/It will have whispered
We will have whispered
You will have whispered
They will have whispered
Yo cuchichee
Tu cuchichees
El/Ella/Eso cuchichee
Nosotros cuchicheemos
Vosotros cuchicheéis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos cuchicheen
I (that )may whisper
You (that )may whisper
He/She/It (that )may whisper
We (that )may whisper
You (that )may whisper
They (that )may whisper
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo cuchicheara
Tu cuchichearas
El/Ella/Eso cuchicheara
Nosotros cuchicheáramos
Vosotros cuchichearais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos cuchichearan
I (that )might whisper
You (that )might whisper
He/She/It (that )might whisper
We (that )might whisper
You (that )might whisper
They (that )might whisper
Pretérito perfecto
Yo haya cuchicheado
Tu hayas cuchicheado
El/Ella/Eso haya cuchicheado
Nosotros hayamos cuchicheado
Vosotros hayáis cuchicheado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan cuchicheado
I (whether) whispered
You (whether) whispered
He/She/It (whether) whispered
We (whether) whispered
You (whether) whispered
They (whether) whispered
Yo hubiera cuchicheado
Tu hubieras cuchicheado
El/Ella/Eso hubiera cuchicheado
Nosotros hubiéramos cuchicheado
Vosotros hubierais cuchicheado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieran cuchicheado
I (whether) had whispered
You (whether) had whispered
He/She/It (whether) had whispered
We (whether) had whispered
You (whether) had whispered
They (whether) had whispered
Yo cuchichearía
Tu cuchichearías
El/Ella/Eso cuchichearía
Nosotros cuchichearíamos
Vosotros cuchichearíais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos cuchichearían
I would whisper
You would whisper
He/She/It would whisper
We would whisper
You would whisper
They would whisper
Yo habría cuchicheado
Tu habrías cuchicheado
El/Ella/Eso habría cuchicheado
Nosotros habríamos cuchicheado
Vosotros habríais cuchicheado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrían cuchicheado
I would have whispered
You would have whispered
He/She/It would have whispered
We would have whispered
You would have whispered
They would have whispered
Yo -
Tu cuchichea
El/Ella/Eso cuchichee
Nosotros cuchicheemos
Vosotros cuchichead
Ellos/Ellas/Esos cuchicheen
let me whisper
let him whisper
let us whisper
let them whisper
que cuchichea
Pretérito perfecto
Pretérito perfecto
haber cuchicheado
have whispered
Pretérito perfecto
habiendo cuchicheado
having whispered

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